Olayinka Abiodun at 6 months old

Olayinka O. Abiodun

was born and bred in Lagos, Nigeria. He started his early school years in Lagos and later attended Igbobi College, Yaba, Lagos (for both his ordinary and advanced Level school certificates). He had certificates and diplomas in Marketing, Effective selling skills and a Higher National Certificate in Data Processing from the University of Lagos. He also finished and graduated with diploma in computer engineering from the M.I.T.  He graduated from the University of Lagos with B.Sc in business administration.

He is a full professional member of the Nigerian Institute of Management (Chartered) having completed the institute professional chartered diploma in management.

He has vast international exposure and experience in the ICT industry having worked as computer programmer/instructor and technical marketing officer with IT companies. His work experience, vendoring for major multinational companies really exposed him to starting his own company P.C. Controllers Ltd in 1992 which has grown over the years.

He has silently and consistently been making waves in the internet marketing industry. Olayinka is one of the foremost internet marketing practitioners in Nigeria via his company P.C. controllers Ltd which became a household name in the mid 2000s. He has mastered the skill of running and the strategies of business survival in depressed economies. He has over 25 years of indelible experiential business wisdom, during this period of time he fluctuated between riches and been bloke, this has helped him to be a blessing to many overtime.

For over 20 years, helping people has always been a part of him so much so that he has personally mentored over 500 people and collectively trained over 5,000 people across Nigeria. He has trained many successful wave making today’s trainers via his then weekly radio and television programmes in his
“No hold barred seminars” that is greatly admired by his followers. He has built up reputation for over-delivering and undercharging his loyal customers, which they freely attest to.

Olayinka Abiodun in 2005 founded an investment club “E-wealth Investment Club” which had about 100 members spread across Nigeria within a span of 1 year it was founded with little aid of the internet, which was not very popular in Nigeria at that time.

Before the closure of the club in 2007, it helped everyday people mainly its members get the unique financial benefits of online investments which ordinarily they may not be able to achieve working on their own. Thereby spreading internet wealth through collective efforts. Members were able to make capital appreciation of between 150% - 300% on sum invested over a period of 3 months - 1 year.

His hobbies/interest includes reading, travelling, swimming and positive interactions. He is a level headed individual that operates with the fear of God. Mr. Abiodun is happily married to a woman and they both have young adults as children.
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