Q. How much returns am I entitled to on my investments?
A. The club started in February 2006 as a division of P.C. Controllers Ltd., while P.C. Controllers Ltd was incorporated in 1992.
Q. What do mean by within a year?
A. A year is 12 calender months of any given year.
Q. What investment packages can I invest into?
A. We currently have 4 packages namely:
Bronze ($1,000) ie N365,000 as at time of uploading this page ie N365/1 USD
Silver ($2,500) ie N912,500
Gold ($5,000) ie N1,825,000
Diamond ($10,000) ie N3,650,000
A. You are entitled to 10% monthy returns (i.e payments) of your principal within the investment year for 12 calendar months
An investment of $1,000 (ie Bronze) will yield a maximum total monthly sum of $1,200 plus $1,000 (ie principal) totalling $2,200 in a year.
An investment of $2,500 (ie Silver) will yield a maximum total monthly sum of $3,000 plus $2,500 (ie principal) totalling $5,500 in a year.
An investment of $5,000 (ie Gold) will yield a maximum of total monthly sum of $6,000 plus $5,000 (ie principal) totalling $11,000 in a year.
While an investment of $10,000 (ie Diamond) will yield a maximum of total monthly sum of $12,000 plus $10,000 (ie principal) totalling $22,000 in a year.
Q. Where do you take your profits?
A. We take our profits by speculating and investing in viable online investments in cryptocurrencies, diamonds, forex, ecurrency funding, selected spot trades, private placements, stock options, private equity and hedge funds
A. You will receive your first payment in your given bank account on next working week after the completion of the 1st month ie between Tuesday to Friday afternoon from 2pm to 5pm only. Please do NOT call outside the above stated official date and time.
Q. Can I have multiple investments of $1,000?
A. No, you can only have one investment of $1,000 at a time any other subsequent investment you make must be from $2,500 and above. If you intend to have another $1,000 investment, you will have to wait till your current $1,000 investment runs out/get to after 6 months. If we find out that you have more than one %1,000 investment plan direrctly or by proxy, you will be automatically terminated and paid off.
A Your initial investments starts to count after 1 week of your investment, this is to allow us to convert your payment in Naira into dollars, digital currency or other instrument(s).
A. All deposits are made into our bank account. We pay matured earning directly to the investor through bank cheques or into your given bank account. We do NOT receive or pay out cash....NEVER.
A. Yes, you can. You can make additional investments at any time and as many times as you would like provided such new investments are made afresh (ie new forms are filled and new annual dues are paid).
A. No, every plan runs for a year. If you desire to invest more, then you have to start a new investment plan and pay a fresh annual dues with new form fee. You cannot also transfer investment from one member to the other. If you are no longer interested the termination rule applies.
Q. When do my investments start to count?
Q. If I make a deposit, how do you pay me then?
Q. Can I make additional investments?
Q. Can I change/swap my investment/compensation plan within my investment year?
Q. What are the minimum and maximum amounts that I can invest?
A. The minimum is ($1,000) or naira equivalent, while maximum investment is $10,000 or naira equivalent.
Q. Can I get back my principal?
A.Yes, your principal is a paid back to you at the end of the 12th month
Q. Aside from my principal is there any other payments to be made?
A. Yes, every club member is expected to pay an additional N20,000 per annum as club dues plus N5,000 for the application form.
Q. How do I become a member?
A. To become a club member, you are expected to fill the membership application form which cost N5,000 (you can also download this form though it may not be the must current version) then pay your proposed investment sum (minimum of $1,000 or naira equivalent or a maximum of $3,600 or equivalent) and an additional N20,000 per annum as club dues. Only bank transfer payment from applicant's owned bank account to our bank account is acceptable.
PLEASE NOTE : NO CASH DEPOSIT IS ALLOWED INTO OUR BANK ACCOUNT. Any cash deposit made would be witheld until after investigation.
Q. How often do you pay the returns?
Q. When did the investment club start?
Why 150% Retuns On Investment (ROI), when "some others" give much more than that?
Quite frankly, periodically you may come across "some others" who give much more than we do, our advise to you is to be cautious. From our own investigation we observed that some deliberately offer you much more than we offer just to hood wink you to part with your hard earned money just to defraud you. Act wisely, invest only with investors that offer reasonable financial ROIs with verifiable track record of payouts. Investors that have registered physical offices (not homes nor laptops) and have been in business for a reasonable period of time.
As a means of the security of your funds with us. Even in the event of closure of the club via unforeseen circumstances beyond the club's control. In a worse scenerio, members may be entitled to receive back a maximum of 80% of their principal, therefore you do not totally loose your money when you invest your funds with us.
How am I sure that after paying into your bank account, you will not defraud me?
We want you to be rest assured that when you pay to our bank account that you can go to sleep knowing fully well that we shall surely pay you your Retuns On Investment amongst other things we promise to do. We have been tried and tested for over 20 years. We have had large sums of money paid into our bank accounts and we have also paid out large sums of money over the years without any problems. Moreso all payments are documented via bank payments. You are also free to make your due diligence search/inquiry before transacting with us. If in doubt, we have a physical office we have been occupying for decades you can always come to.
If I do not collect my investment returns when due, is my investment automatically renewed?
NO, if you do not to collect your investment returns when due, we suggest you send your next of kin with a letter to collect your cheque on your behalf. If you do not do this, your money would not be left pending until you fill the collection form. However we may pay your returns to a given account if you so wish at less 5% the expected amount to be received.
Can I loose money?
Yes, there is risk involved with every investment program. If your investment is terminated before our agreed one year term then you will suffer loss on your principal. Also, you may loose money if the club suffers a major financial misfortune, in such a case payout to members may be affected. However, there are a few simple ways you can help reduce this risk.
Firstly, align your investments with your financial goals, in other words, keep money you may need for the short-term out of more aggressive investments, reserving those investment funds for the money you intend to grow over the long-term.
Secondly, by not investing more than what you can afford to loose. It's very important for you to know that we are real investors and that we invest members funds on major investments.
Please note ALL INVESTMENTS ARE OF ONE YEAR DURATION. Please do not invest if you cannot invest/wait for one year.
Lastly, do not go borrowing just to be a member of the club and DO NOT invest what you cannot afford to loose.
Who manages the funds?
These funds are managed by the Endless e-wealth private investment club.
The most important aspect of our investments, which range from low, medium to high returns are based on the fact that our principal investment is always guaranteed.
How can we offer you the guarantee?
If we did not have this in place, we would not feel comfortable with our money sitting in various investments - large sums usually make anyone cautious and a bit shaky around the knees.
We have been asked what we invest in...
This varies, as it largely depends on what is available at any given moment in time, but it usually includes fields like, cryptocurrencies, diamonds, forex, ecurrency funding, selected spot trades, private placements, stock options, private equity and hedge funds.
Termination of investment
Members CANNOT terminate their investment before one year except in extreme cases that can only be determined by the club and in such a case the member would collect his/her principal less 10% of the investment package plan provided your investment is less than 3 months or you have not collected your 1st payment).
However if the investment is more than 3 months old or you have collected your 1st payment, you will have to wait till the 6th month collection for you to be paid. Investments after 6 months cannot be terminated.
What happens to my investment in the event of the closure of the club?
In the event of closure of the club via unforeseen circumstances beyond the club's control. Members may be entitled to receive back a maximum of 80% of their principal that is if the member's investment is less than 3 months old but if the investment is 6 months and above 50% would be paid.
Are there any other deductions from my earnings?
No there are not!
What do I do when I have a dispute with the club?
In the event of a dispute, the club rules and regulations would be applied. Please always endeavour to study the updated club rules and agreements on our website before/when aggrieved to resolve disputes. There would not be need for a third party intervention if we abide by these rules. However if you still feel aggrieved then you may contact the conflict resolution committee which comprises club managers and investors like you.
Please note the committee can only handle reasonable financial disputes and NOT personal disputes.
Violation of Terms & Agreements
1) Rules violators will be immediately and permanently removed from the system without refund.
2) Violation of these rules and agreements/terms & agreements by club members may cause civil and\or criminal suit.
Changes in Terms & Agreements
Endless e-wealth club reserve the right to change the rules and agreements/terms & agreements at any time without notice. Members agree to view the current rules and regulations/terms & agreements carefully and periodically.
Bottom line from us to you, dear reader...
The "small guy" cannot get financially involved in these high-end products without a fair whack of liquidity. This is why endless e-wealth club was created - Helping everyday people get the unique financial benefits of online investments which ordinarily they may not be able to achieve working on their own. Thereby spreading internet wealth through collective efforts.
NOTE: Forms collected after two weeks without process forfeit the form usage.
NOTE: Please visit our club website (www.pccontrollers.net) at least once a month to know the latest periodic updates on our rules and agreements/terms and agreements.
NOTE WELL: You must read, understand and accept the above and also promise to abide by these rules and agreements/terms and agreements. Any wrong information on your part makes you liable and may cause termination of your investments with the club.
PS Please don't join this club if you're not willing to invest for a minimum of one year or if you're looking for another "get rich quick" or "money doubling" scheme. That's not what we are all about, we are about helping you achieve financial success via online business opportunities.
Q. Can I join the club despite that I live outside Lagos State?
A. Certainly yes, you can join the club if you do not live in Lagos infact we have a couple of members outside Lagos . All you have to do is to download the membership form including the rules & agreements forms, pay the required amount into our bank account and send the filled and signed membership form and agreement forms with evidence of payment to our office. Please include your 1 recent passport photos.
20 9 bronze packages available